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This page (revision-76) was last changed on 13-Nov-2011 13:49 by Melanija Fabcic  

This page was created on 29-May-2010 01:20 by obtudvoc

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At line 3 added one line
!!!Platforma Sprichwort
At line 5 added 42 lines
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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
76 13-Nov-2011 13:49 2.686 kB Melanija Fabcic to previous
75 01-Nov-2011 17:45 2.712 kB Melanija Fabcic to previous | to last
74 01-Nov-2011 17:44 2.708 kB Melanija Fabcic to previous | to last
73 24-Oct-2011 10:16 2.681 kB Melanija Fabcic to previous | to last
72 20-Oct-2011 22:17 2.689 kB Melanija Fabcic to previous | to last
71 21-Sep-2011 15:42 2.725 kB Melanija Fabcic to previous | to last
70 05-Sep-2011 11:10 2.727 kB Melanija Fabcic to previous | to last
69 15-Aug-2011 16:57 2.693 kB Melanija Fabcic to previous | to last
68 01-Aug-2011 22:49 2.697 kB Melanija Fabcic to previous | to last
67 18-Jul-2011 21:54 2.691 kB Melanija Fabcic to previous | to last
66 15-Jul-2011 11:32 2.691 kB Melanija Fabcic to previous | to last
65 05-Jul-2011 16:02 2.693 kB Melanija Fabcic to previous | to last
64 28-Jun-2011 12:55 2.749 kB Melanija Fabcic to previous | to last
63 28-Jun-2011 12:55 2.723 kB Melanija Fabcic to previous | to last
62 12-Jun-2011 23:53 2.697 kB Melanija Fabcic to previous | to last
61 08-Jun-2011 00:01 2.698 kB Melanija Fabcic to previous | to last