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This page (revision-43) was last changed on 14-Dec-2010 14:36 by Brigita Kacjan  

This page was created on 09-Mar-2010 15:09 by Dejan Kopold

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Difference between version and

At line 11 added one line
At line 12 changed 2 lines
K pregovoru žal ni vaj.
!!! Übungen
Zu diesem Sprichwort gibt es leider noch keine Übungen.
At line 17 added 2 lines
At line 21 changed one line
* Nemščina: [Der Glaube versetzt Berge. | Der Glaube versetzt Berge] %%tip-Kommentar Dobesedni prevod: "Vera prestavlja gore."\\ /%
* Nemščina: [Der Glaube versetzt Berge. | Der Glaube versetzt Berge] %%tip-Komentar Dobesedni prevod: "Vera prestavlja gore."\\ /%
At line 39 changed one line
At line 43 removed one line
At line 48 added one line
At line 48 changed one line
!!! Različice
V današnji slovenščini je raba razmeroma redka.
At line 53 added 3 lines
!!! Različice
At line 51 changed one line
At line 53 changed one line
At line 63 added one line
At line 56 changed 2 lines
!! Lematizirane sestavine različic
At line 59 changed one line
At line 93 changed one line
V korpusu [FidaPLUS |] lahko najdete več zgledov s pomočjo iskalnega niza: \\ \\
V korpusu [FidaPLUS |] lahko najdete več zgledov s pomočjo iskalnega niza: \\
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
43 14-Dec-2010 14:36 3.459 kB Brigita Kacjan to previous
42 24-Nov-2010 22:47 3.399 kB Vida Jesenšek to previous | to last
41 16-Nov-2010 23:42 3.396 kB Vida Jesenšek to previous | to last