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This page (revision-6) was last changed on 24-Feb-2011 14:15 by Vida Jesenšek  

This page was created on 21-May-2010 08:40 by mydbrfx

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SesYRq <a href="">sudxpdyoxsmq</a>, [url=]dohwvuafkffb[/url], [link=]qysrwcrxocyb[/link],
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At line 4 changed 2 lines
--[mydbrfx|http://KyxRfGaZbiDNUI], 21-May-2010 08:40
!! Projekt koordinira
__Univerza v Mariboru, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za germanistiko__\\
Koroška 160, 2000 Maribor\\
Tel.: +386 2 229 3840\\
Fax: +386 2 229 3625\\
Homepage: []
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__Vodja projekta__: Izr. prof. dr. Vida Jesenšek\\
Telefon: +386 2 229 3622\\
Faks: +386 2 229 3625\\
Homepage: []
__Sodelujoči__: doc. dr. Melanija Fabčič, izr. prof. dr. Elizabeta Bernjak, asist. dr. Brigita Kacjan, asist. mag. Dejan Kopold, Nataša Vihar
!! Projektni partnerji
__Univerzita svätého Cyrila a Metoda__\\
Námestie J. Herdu 2, 917 01 Trnava\\
Tel.: +421-033/5565-221\\
Fax: +421-033/5565-106\\
Homepage: []
__Vodja__: prof. Peter Ďurčo, PhD\\
Telefon: +421 (0)905 482413\\
Fax: +421-033/5565-106\\
E-mail: __durco@vronk.net__
Homepage: []\\
__Sodelavka__: Dr. phil. PaedDr. Darina Chovaniaková
E-mail: __chovaniakovad@gmail.com__
__Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS)__\\
R5, 6-13, 68161 Mannheim, Deutschland\\
Tel.: (+49 621) 1581 0\\
Fax: (+49 621) 1581 200\\
Homepage: []
__Vodja__: dr. Kathrin Steyer\\
Telefon: (+49 621) 1581 414\\
Fax: (+49 621) 1581 200\\
Homepage: []\\
__Sodelavki__: Katrin Hein, M.A. (App. 415); Annelen Brunner, M.A. (App. 433) \\
__TU Graz, Institut für Informationssysteme und Computer Medien (IICM)__\\
Inffeldgasse 16c, 8010 Graz, Österreich\\
Tel.: (+43 316) 873 5613\\
Fax: (+43 316) 873 5699\\
Homepage: []
__Vodja__: Univ. Doz. Dr. DI Denis HELIĆ\\
Telefon: + 43 316 873 5617\\
Fax: + 43 316 873 5699\\
Homepage: []
__Sodelavec__: DI Christoph Trattner BSc\\
Telefon: + 43 316 873 5603\\
Fax: + 43 316 873 5699\\
Homepage: [ Trattner]
__Universität Szeged__\\
Egyetem u. 2, 6722 Szeged, Ungarn\\
Tel.: + 36 62 544 000\\
Fax: + 36 62 544 687\\
Homepage: []
__Vodja__: Dr. habil. Tamás Forgács\\
Telefon: + 36 62 454 815\\
Fax: + 36 62 544 687\\
Homepage: []\\
__Sodelavec__: Dr. Tamás Kispál\\
Telefon: + 36 62 544 249\\
Fax: + 36 62 544 249\\
Homepage: []\\
__Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně__\\
nám. T. G. Masaryka 5555, 760 01 Zlín, Česká republika\\
Tel.: +420 57 603 1111\\
Fax: +420 57 603 2121\\
Homepage: []
__Vodja__: Mgr. Libor Marek\\
Telefon: +420 57 603 8127\\
Fax: +420 57 603 2732\\
__Sodelavka__: Mgr. Věra Kozáková, Ph.D.
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
6 24-Feb-2011 14:15 3.01 kB Vida Jesenšek to previous
5 15-Feb-2011 20:56 2.986 kB Vida Jesenšek to previous | to last
4 15-Feb-2011 20:51 3.115 kB Vida Jesenšek to previous | to last
3 15-Feb-2011 20:49 0.282 kB Vida Jesenšek to previous | to last
2 01-Feb-2011 00:14 0.004 kB Vida Jesenšek to previous | to last
1 21-May-2010 08:40 0.282 kB mydbrfx to last WhYrZyEXYbUvhxrRVNo