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This page (revision-44) was last changed on 28-Oct-2011 20:10 by Libor Marek  

This page was created on 03-Feb-2010 03:35 by Libor Marek

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Difference between version and

At line 67 changed 2 lines
| např. \\bere\\si sedne | sloveso /%. [Doklad 5 | 5 ] [Doklad 6 | 6 ]
%% \\
| např. \\bere\\si sedne | sloveso /%. [Doklad 5 | 5 ] [Doklad 6 | 6 ] %%
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
44 28-Oct-2011 20:10 7.375 kB Libor Marek to previous
43 01-Apr-2011 12:53 7.379 kB Libor Marek to previous | to last
42 01-Apr-2011 12:52 7.346 kB Libor Marek to previous | to last
41 27-Mar-2011 14:34 7.379 kB Libor Marek to previous | to last