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This page (revision-22) was last changed on 28-Oct-2011 18:48 by Libor Marek  

This page was created on 09-Aug-2010 02:44 by Libor Marek

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Difference between version and

At line 1 changed one line
[{ALLOW view Editors}]
[{ALLOW view All}]
At line 8 changed one line
!!! Boží mlýny melou pomalu, ale jistě.
!!! Boží mlýny melou pomalu, ale jistě.
At line 10 added one line
At line 16 added one line
At line 55 changed one line
%%(display:inline;) Boží mlýny melou. [Doklad 3 | 3 ] Boží mlýny mlely pomalu.
%%(display:inline;) Boží mlýny melou. [Doklad 3 | 3 ] \\
Boží mlýny mlely pomalu.
At line 63 changed one line
%%(display:inline;) X tip%% např. Mlýny ministerstva \\ /% sice pomalu, ale melou. [Doklad 4 | 4 ]
%%(display:inline;) %%tip-X např. Mlýny ministerstva (Přívlastek) \\ /% sice pomalu, ale melou. [Doklad 4 | 4 ]
At line 83 removed 2 lines
At line 86 changed one line
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
22 28-Oct-2011 18:48 4.868 kB Libor Marek to previous
21 25-Mar-2011 18:59 4.872 kB Libor Marek to previous | to last